To display a default quote window, click , or choose New
from the File menu and then choose Quote.
A default windows is empty--that is, it requires layout and a symbol (or symbols). Aspen Research distributes a suite of workspaces that contain quote windows, and a number of quote windows as well. Use the Workspace Manager to view these workspaces, and the Window Manager to view these windows. These workspaces and quote windows are designed to help you get started quickly. To view a pre-defined quote window, display the Window Manager and click on the Quotes tab. Then, double-click on a window in the list.
You can customize a quote windows at two levels:
The instruments in the quote window. Customizing quote window instruments involves symbol entry. There are two symbol entry techniques you should know.
The arrangement of market information displayed in a quote window. Customizing a quote window's format involves changing the arrangement, or layout, of quote information. Use layout mode to design your own quote windows.