Aspen Optionalysis

Option Analysis Software | Optionalysis by Aspen Research Group
If you're trading Options, analyze them quickly with the powerful Basic or Advanced Optionalysis toolsets.

Instantly identify and execute the best options trading opportunities with Aspen Graphics' Optionalysis - a powerful add-on that combines the strength and flexibility of Aspen Graphics with rich toolset for analyzing options strategies and portfolios. Truly a "must have" option analysis software for the serious options trader. Click for a Free Trial
Options Charts

Aspen's real-time database engine automatically charts daily, intraday and tick prices for every option. Optionalysis adds to this the ability to build and tweak option strategies, and to "what-if" the effects of time-decay, interest rate, volatility, and other pricing model variables. Use Aspen Graphics to build optimum positions, and then track the big picture of portfolio performance without losing sight of the details. Learn More
  • Profit & Loss<\/li>
  • Market Value<\/li>
  • Delta<\/li>
  • Gamma<\/li>
  • Theta<\/li>
  • Vega<\/li>
  • Rho<\/li>
  • FRho/Yrho<\/li>

Options Charts

Butterfly Chart