What is DDE


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DDE is an Acronym for Dynamic Data Exchange, an interprocess communication (IPC) system built into the Microsoft Windows® operating system (among others). DDE enables two running applications to share the same data. For example, DDE makes it possible to insert a spreadsheet chart into word processor document, and to have the chart update whenever a value in the spreadsheet changes. Using DDE, Aspen enables you to share market data collected by Aspen with other applications.


The agreements you sign with exchanges to view real-time data limit what you can do with real-time data. Please read your contracts carefully.


In help discussions of  DDE, the term server (lower case) refers to an Aspen Graphics workstation or personal edition application (references to the actual Aspen Graphics Server employ the term "Aspen Graphics Server").  The term client refers to the application receiving the information.


A client with DDE links pokes the server for changes in each link's value. A client pokes the server often enough to detect every change, so whenever the value of a link changes in the server, the client gets an update.


Instruments can also be created in Excel and piped to Aspen.