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Displays a NYMEX Natural Gas Winter Strip (October to March) for the specified year.





   retval = nonum

   divisor = 5

   if nvYear == vchart(NG#.YEAR[-1]) then begin

      cMonth = vchart(NG#.MONTH[-1])

      if cMonth == 11 then divisor = 5

      if cMonth == 12 then divisor = 4


   if nvYear - vchart(NG#.YEAR[-1]) == 1 then begin

      cMonth = vchart(NG#.MONTH[-1])

      if cMonth == 1 then divisor = 3

      if cMonth == 2 then divisor = 2

      if cMonth == 3 then divisor = 1


   if nvYear == 2003 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX3.recent,

   if nvYear == 2004 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX4.recent,

   if nvYear == 2005 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX5.recent,

   if nvYear == 2006 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX6.recent,

   if nvYear == 2007 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX7.recent,

   if nvYear == 2008 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX8.recent,

   if nvYear == 2009 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX9.recent,

   if nvYear == 2010 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX0.recent,

   if nvYear == 2011 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX1.recent,

   if nvYear == 2012 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX2.recent,

   if nvYear == 2013 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX3.recent,

   if nvYear == 2014 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX4.recent,

   if nvYear == 2015 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX5.recent,

   if nvYear == 2016 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX6.recent,

   if nvYear == 2017 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX7.recent,

   if nvYear == 2018 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX8.recent,

   if nvYear == 2019 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX9.recent,

   if nvYear == 2020 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX0.recent,

   if nvYear == 2021 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX1.recent,

   if nvYear == 2022 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX2.recent,

   if nvYear == 2023 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX3.recent,

   if nvYear == 2024 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX4.recent,

   if nvYear == 2025 then retval = Scale(Sum(NGX5.recent,

   if retval == 0 then retval = nonum







Four digit year (i.e., 2008) for which you want a Winter Strip.



Return Value

A Winter Strip.






Displays a strip of 2008 Natural Gas winter contracts.






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