A scroll region is similar to a stock ticker.
Defining a Scroll Region
You can create two types of scroll regions; vertical scroll regions and horizontal scroll regions. Vertical scroll regions scroll listed symbols from top to bottom. Horizontal scroll regions scroll listed symbols from left to right.
To define a scroll region, follow these steps:
Display a default quote window.
Size the window for the type of scroll region
you want.
Enter the principal ($1.) codes you want to appear
in the scroll region.
Display the Edit Quotes menu.
Select the Scroll option for the type of scroll
region you are creating.
Select Scroll Down to create a vertical scroll region.
Select Scroll Right to create a horizontal
scroll region.
Select Quit Modify.
Display the Quotes Menu.
Choose Edit Symbols.
The Scroll Region Symbols dialog is displayed.
Enter a symbol in the field above the Add button.
Then click Add.
Repeat step 9 until you have entered all the symbols
you want.
Click Done.