Quote Links


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To create a real-time quote link within Excel, follow these steps:


  1. Launch Aspen Graphics for Windows.

  2. Launch EXCEL.

  3. Within EXCEL, position your cursor where you would like the link to begin.

  4. From your EXCEL toolbar, single-left click on the first (far left) of the custom Aspen buttons to display the DDE Link Generator Dialog Box.

  5. Type the symbol to be linked to the spreadsheet in the Symbol field of the DDE Link Generator Dialog box.

  6. Select either the "Short List" or "Long List" radio button to display the list of available link elements.

  7. Double-click on the elements you would like to paste on your spreadsheet.

    The elements appear in the "Selected" column.

  8. Select Copy Link.

    The quote elements appear on your spreadsheet and update in real-time.