Option Links


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To create an Option Quote Link, follow these steps:


  1. Click the Option tab.

  2. Type the symbol to be linked to the spreadsheet in the Symbol field.

    Do not press Enter.

  3. Select the quote elements you want from the element list.

    A single left click displays a description of your selection in the Element Description box.

    A double left click sends the element to the Selected box (a double-left click on an element in the Selected box puts it back in the original list).

    The elements you select will be displayed in Excel in the order chosen, from left to right, as an indivisible array.

    You won't be able modify the field order in the resulting Excel array, so plan your field order carefully.

  4. Select the Copy Link button in the lower right-hand corner. The link will be pasted into the specified cell(s) in Excel.