Network Access

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To display the Network Access window, choose Network Access from the Window menu.






Identifies the user name you are using to log into a server.


Identifies the server you are attempting to access.

Data Feed

Identifies the source of data on the server you are attempting to access.


Identifies the security employed by the server you are attempting to access. There are two ARES (Aspen Research Entitlement System) security schemes:




ARES, Customer-controlled

Customer controlled ARES means a) the data feed is S&P Comstock or DTN, and b) the server's entitlements are administered by Admin.exe, an entitlement utility written by Aspen Research Group, Ltd.


ARES, Feed-controlled

Feed controlled ARES means a) the data feed is DTN, Reuters, or MoneyLine, and b) the server's entitlements are administered by the data feed.



Identifies the status of the workstation's session with the server. There are two states: Open and Closed.


Error Tag

If an open session is interrupted, causing the state to change to Closed, this field will indicates the cause.



Displays any note associated with the error tag.


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