Convention |
Function |
Pre-4.0 Equivalent |
'pr |
Preferred stock |
[ctrl]+[p] |
'wi |
When Issued stock |
[ctrl]+[i] |
'ws |
Stock Warrant |
[ctrl]+[s] |
'rt |
Stock Right |
[ctrl]+[t] |
Note that the new, 4.0 conventions are entered via the command line. Simply append an apostrophe and the appropriate abbreviation to a stock symbol.
Convention |
Function |
Pre-4.0 Equivalent |
'c1 |
Continuation method 1 |
[ctrl]+[c] |
'c2 |
Continuation method 2 |
[ctrl]+[z] |
As a futures contract expires, the daily data for the life of the contract is archived. To display a daily or weekly chart on an expired contract, type in its symbol. For example, on most data feeds, the symbol for the March, 1993 S&P contract is SPH3.
When expired contracts are requested, Aspen Graphics displays them in their correct position with respect to the current date. It may be necessary to shift the chart back in time to view the data. This can be done either with the re-scale menu or the BEFORE and AFTER commands.
To display multiple contracts, enter their symbols separated by a comma, i.e.,
Contracts are displayed in different colors and are aligned correctly in time.
You can also use the expansion macro (@) to display multiple contracts with a single keyboard entry. The at sign (@) tells Aspen Graphics to expand forward from the specified contract and display all symbols available (up to 20). For example:
Macro |
Function |
SP@ |
Displays all trading S&P contracts |
SPH0@ |
Displays all S&P contracts since March 2000 |
SPH0@8 |
Displays SPH0 and the next 8 contracts. |
Expired contracts are not available on several of S&P Comstock's overseas exchanges because these symbols do not employ year codes.
To display the percent gainers from an exchange, enter an exchange symbol, a period, the letter G, and a positive integer, i.e.,
This displays the top five percent gainers on the NYSE in the active chart window. For Losers, use an L. For Highest Volume, use an A.