Cross Rate Setup

See Also




To display the Cross Rate Table dialog, select Currency Crossrate Setup... from the Tools Menu.



The Cross Rate Table enables you to establish instruments and multipliers necessary to convert prices quoted in one currency to prices quoted in another currency.  The Cross Rate Table converts US Dollars to the equivalent amount of Japanese Yen, British Pounds, or any other currency on which you receive quotes.  You can also use instruments that are Bank cross rates, or manually enter cross rates published in your favorite magazine or paper.



To display the cross rate table, display the Maintenance Menu and select Cross Rate Setup, or enter the .CROSSRATE command.


The Cross Rate Table consists of three fields, a toggle, two selections, and a table.  Together, the fields create a "currency environment"—that is, a definition of the way a particular currency is converted to other currencies.  The toggle accesses the two currency modes, global and user.  The selections are standard selections available on menus and dialog boxes.  The table pits the currency in the Current Currency field against the different currencies in the Cross Currency field.  The table enables you to establish conversion criteria on a currency-by-currency basis.




Current Currency

Indicates which currency is displayed in the table.

Master Currency

Indicates which currency is the master.

Native Currency

Indicates which currency is the native currency for the system.




Global Cross Rates

Toggles between Global and User cross rate tables.


Removes the Cross Rate Table without recording changes.


Removes the Cross Rate Table and records changes.


Scrolls the cross rate table up a page at a time.


Scrolls the cross rate table up a line at a time.


Scrolls the cross rate table down a line at a time.


Scrolls the cross rate table down a page at a time.


Table Field


Cross Currency

Lists currencies against which the currency displayed in the Current Currency field is crossed.


Lists the instrument used as the cross between the currency in the Cross Currency table field and the Current Currency field.


Lists the Bid price of the instrument in the Symbol field.


Lists the Ask price of the instrument in the Symbol field.


Lists the multiplier, if any, used to calculate the cross rate.


The Current Currency

You create a cross rate conversion on a currency-by-currency basis.  You choose a currency by selecting Current Currency field.  Selecting the Current Currency field displays the Current Currency menu:


The Current Currency menu contains a list of currencies.  From this menu, choose the currency you want to work on.  Choosing a currency from this menu creates a cross rate table for the currency you select.  Basically, all this means is that the resulting cross rate table has every currency but the one you selected.  If you choose Duetsche Marks from the Current Currency menu the resulting cross rate table omits the Duetsche Mark.  The reason for the omission is that the cross rate defines a one-to-many relationship.  The current currency is the one, and every other currency is the many.


The Master Currency

The currency in the Master Currency field identifies the currency in which all quotes in the system will be displayed.


The Native Currency

The native currency is, generally, the currency that’s in your pocket.  If you’re American (or, to be more precise, if you’re trading accounts are kept in U. S. Dollars), the U. S. Dollar is your native currency.